Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama And The Somali Pirates

Bush would have ordered the bombing of terrorist camps in Somalia until there was nothing but creators left in that country...but our "New" president is a coward, we need leadership and to hell with consensus approval, we should be leading the world, not bowing down to it.
Oh, for the good old days.


  1. I'm sad to say, I agree with you.

  2. That's what my husband and I were just talking about...nothing is done by this government. During his campaign, this president called my hubby a "terrorist" when he goes to arrest illegal criminals and sacrifices his life like his buddies[my hubby works for Homeland Security]. Also Pelosi who called the illegals "patriotic". God help us!

  3. Obama is busy having a pizza party. It seems he's either partying or traveling.

    The new dog arrives tomorrow. His name is Charlie, but the Obamas will rename him. Why do that? Really?

  4. Damn right here, pizza party for Obama while the world laughs! Great start to the new blog, thanks for joining mine too!

  5. He certainly isn't impressing me or my family, either.

    Good post.

  6. Great blog Lulu.. I blogged on the same subject this morning.

  7. I was also thinking about what Reagan would have done. Neither he nor Bush would have waited to take care of this.

    Now we have to worry about whether justice will be served or not to the remaining pirate.

  8. May I also add my congrat to you on your new and excellent blog..
    Good luck with it.

  9. I'm so glad OUR Navy Seals rescued that Captain. What a proud moment. I only hope that Obama doesn't do something to spoil it, like apologize to the families of the Pirates.

  10. Great job on this blog, welcome to blogsville.
    Please write often, you are so good at it.

  11. That was the old and I miss it. The new may cause a lot of problems.

  12. What Reagan would have done? Really?
    Oh how I wish the man was still president.

    He would have had a press conference calling them cowards and telling them they had but one chance of living or even dying honorable deaths. Except he would have said it so much cooler.

    Glad I found your blog.

  13. Yep~ and now he's doin' the gangsta handshake w/ Hugo "the Devil" Chavez. Makes my want to just hurl.


    Lulu - did I say welcome already? Hope so!

  14. The name of your Blog "Obama and the Somali Pirates"
    Sounds like a Fairy Tale.. LOL, good blog.

  15. Obama is a lawless, godless bum in a suit.

    He makes Prez GW Bush look like a Saint!

    Tom S
    Vietnam Veteran: 68-70.
